Tuesday, December 7, 2010

True Colors

Bill Schwartz (@ryderjaphy) has finally shown his true colors.  He has sold out blatantly and completely to his partner in crime, Bill Cassidy.  The latest is an “interview” conducted by Cassidy with Schwartz about the alleged “SLAPP” with Kunzang Palyul Choling (KPC), who he claims is inhibiting his freedom of expression by threatening Elephant Journal with legal action if it prints his “expose” on KPC.  Cassidy then “kindly” offered to interview Schwartz and write it up for him and post it on his own blog.  
Of course, what is missing here is the fact that Schwartz was fed all his lies and distortions in the first place by – guess who – Bill Cassidy!  Schwartz has never, ever attempted to contact anyone who knows anything firsthand about KPC to check out his story.  But then neither he nor Cassidy are interested in the truth.  They are interested in satisfying their own twisted need for revenge because KPC had the guts to tell the truth about them.  So they continue to spew their hatred and lies in concert, except now it’s all in the open.  Schwartz can’t hide the truth anymore that he has become a tool of Cassidy, a convicted felon and sociopath who has waged a two plus year of hate mongering against Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo and KPC.  No doubt Cassidy is proud to have found an ally at long last.  Most people wouldn’t give him the time of day, much less trust him.
No doubt this “expose” will contain the same lies, distortions, and hate-filled rhetoric that Cassidy has been spouting for the last several years on Twitter under numerous pseudonyms and in his various blogs.  Nothing new there.  The only thing is that Schwartz can no longer plead integrity and independence (not that he ever had much room to stand on with either point).  One would have thought that anyone who was connected to Buddhism for as long as Schwartz claims to have been would have picked up a little of the teachings here and there, but apparently this is not the case.  Instead, as sometimes happens, it has only solidified his ego-clinging to the point that he, like Cassidy, has gone completely and utterly insane.  How unfortunate for them both!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Lately on Twitter all I hear from these guys @ryderjaphy and @wutangtulku is them whining that Kunzang Palyul Choling, or KPC as they apparently call it, sought legal counsel who then wrote a letter to the Elephant Journal warning them not to publish libelous material submitted by the same @ryderjaphy.  They even have the chutzpah to call it a SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public participation), which is not what this is about.  A SLAPP is used by an organization to discourage critics by saddling them with endless litigation and legal fees.  Nothing like that happening here.  From what I can see, this is a legitimate act of self-defense.

First off, no legitimate publisher would ever publish anything without first checking the facts.  They have to do this for their own self-protection.  Look what happened to the New York Times when they published that series by Jayson Blair a few years back that turned out to be straight from the writer’s imagination.  It was a huge scandal and tarnished their publishing credibility for a long time.  

To knowingly publish lies about a spiritual organization like KPC, however, would be even worse and could very well mean the end of any publication that did it.  All KPC was doing was giving them fair warning that they had good reason to doubt the integrity of anything this particular writer was going to write in his so-called expose because he had never checked the veracity of anything with the organization (KPC) he was writing about. That obviously violates the very first rule of journalistic ethics, to always check the facts of any story.  

Obviously writing about facts is not a priority with @ryderjaphy.  In fact, it sounds like he is a collaborator in a smear campaign initiated by this Cassidy fellow, who is apparently the real face behind this @wutangtulku mask.  So obviously their whining about this alleged letter that KPC sent Elephant Journal is just a smoke screen to cover up their smear campaign and make them look like the injured party.  Trouble is anyone with half a brain can see through their little game.  I personally think it’s time they shut up and got on with their pathetic lives.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Sad Display

Bill Schwarz, familiar to Twitter followers as Ryder Japhy, has recently said that his health is deteriorating.  As he has congestive heart failure, this is not a good sign.  All anyone can really do is pray for him.  
But, he is also claiming to be writing an article for the Elephant Journal "exposing" Kunzang Palyul Chöling (KPC), which is a favorite target of hate propagator, William Cassidy, whose behavior has been extensively catalogued online.  In a tweet last night, however, Schwarz refers to KPC as "Karma Palchen Choeling" and also misspelled Palyul as "Payul".  He corrected his error this morning, saying it was a "mis-tweet".  One has to wonder about his mental state. 
One wonders even more about his mental state when his claims against KPC are examined.  If he cannot even get the name of the organization right, how can he possible claim to know anything about it?  It would seem that he basically repeats everything fed to him by none other than Bill Cassidy,  convicted violent felon, and a font of lies and disinformation if there ever was one.  Since Schwarz has blocked anyone and everyone he doesn't want to listen to, there is no way that the lies and distortions he is parroting for Cassidy can be answered and corrected.  So much for any pretense at accuracy.  And he claims to be a journalist?  What does that mean exactly?  Maybe a North Korean journalist could identify, but certainly no journalist with any integrity would ever listen to only one side of a story, particularly one as transparently false as what Cassidy pushes.
Hopefully the editor of the Elephant Journal, can see through the lies and refuses to publish it. Further, that he is aware that knowingly publishing libelous material makes him as culpable as the author.  
The question is, why Bill Schwarz chose to end this life (if indeed he is approaching death) as a tool for Bill Cassidy.  He has not demonstrated the most basic requirement that a true journalist must have to be credible, the integrity to look at all sides of an issue rather than just one.  Virtually all of Cassidy's outrageous accusations against Ahkön Lhamo and KPC are easily refuted.  Why is Schwartz so afraid of the truth?
Perhaps another tweet from Schwarz gives a hint.  In it he said that "free speech is the same as right speech."  This is a ludicrous concept.  If someone were to call for the execution of, say, all Christians, would that be right speech?  Hardly.  But it would be protected free speech under the First Amendment.  Spreading malicious lies about someone is also protected free speech (within limits), but the teachings of the Buddha are clear on gossip and slander.  It is definitely not right speech.  Schwartz is simply bending the pure teachings of the Buddha to his own nefarious ends, which, it should be clear to anyone who has even the slightest knowledge of what the Buddha taught, is extraordinary negative karma which will have a very bad result.  If Schwartz actually believes such drivel, he is in serious trouble when he reaches the bardo of the intermediate state.  Please pray for him.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche

After the Twenty-fifth Rigden has ruled Shambhala and propagated the teachings for 97 years, there will come a time when it will be very difficult for anyone to even hear the name of Lord Buddha or his teachings. Not only will the name of dharma will be unheard, but also the outer aspect of the Shambhala Kingdom will already be quite barbaric. When the outer barbarians of the kingdom begin to penetrate into the inner kingdom, the Twenty-fifth Rigden will become aggravated and that is when he will call his warriors into action. 
    Source http://www.chronicleproject.com/tributes/26.html

Friday, October 22, 2010

william cassidy and bill schwartz steal from children

   I am writing (albeit sarcastically) about another miraculous birth from the great imagination of William Cassidy. He has now anointed himself as MujinRinpoche.  You have to love the brass bills- um, sorry, BALLS here. And look who his new best friend is, Ryderjaphy!  Surprise!
Ryderjaphy has announced he is going after HH Penor Rinpoche's - get this - CHARITY funds- to "hold him accountable" for recognizing two Americans. 
Since he is always bellowing about Tibetans favoring Tibetans and it's happened- he is still bellowing!  He is always whining about something. 
So go ahead, boys. Sue HHPR's charity fund, take food from the mouths of the 5,000 young monks being trained at Namdroling.  You both have heart conditions, (gee, I wonder why) And die with the karma of stealing food and medicine from hungry Tibetan boys. Monks. 

You have to be a real low life to do that. 
And you still have NO IDEA who writes this blog. Sue me if you want! Help yourself to money I don't have rather than taking from monks. 
Course the Charity probably has Lots of mulah, right? 
And lots of charity money is what you two really want, really, isn't it?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hello to bill

    can you pause, breath and now think to yourself.     Are these the actions of a practitioner?       Am i helping a convicted felon commit a second felony.   Cause and effect, these are the foundational practices in action. You are embarrassing yourself, your teachers and our sangha. The teachings are there, clearly, for you to reference. you know this but, have forgotten?
  Anyways I wanted to chat over here with you.  

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

An embarrassment of bills

Hey bill
 Two things; stop getting carried away, i don't think you are thinking straight. kinda like a cat chasing it's own tail. ~craazzyy!~  And second; you may need to get them glasses updated, because i'm here and you're over in left field taking cues from the dumb guy(cassidy) dressed up in a referee costume for halloween.
  You have something to say? Say it to me.

I'm not part of jetsunma and kpc. i've only seen the same youtube videos and heard the same rumors(twitter) you've probably seen and heard. But jigme william tenpa cassidy jya....bullshit.
  If you believe him then 30 years of your practice is worthless. If you believe him it's proof your blog and watchdog status is truly about status, not dharma.